
Accelerator Program Logo

Grow, Test, Connect, and  Launch Your Innovation

The Launcher pre-accelerator program supports early-stage startups that are improving the lives of people with disability.
The 2024 Launcher program has finished. Register Interest for the 2025 Launcher program below.

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Our Remarkable Launcher Pre-Accelerator Program supports innovators from the beginning of their startup journey.

Leveraging our experience in accelerating Disability Tech startups since 2016, this 8-week part-time program is for those founders new to the startup ecosystem or that want to innovate in disability, ageing or health tech.

In Partnership with

The image shows the logo for "tpg telecom" with colorful dots above and "FOUNDATION" in red below it on a white background.

Why Apply? What Makes  Launcher Unique?

16 week accelerator white icon over green background


Access weekly masterclasses taught by experts and regular check-ins from a personal Remarkable mentor, who will help you with your goals and apply what you learn in the classes.

Perks white icon over a green background


Get access to more than $10,000 in discounts and support from GitHub, Microsoft, Google, AWS, Airtable, Notion, and more. Also, at the end of the program, you can show off your work to potential customers in an online event.

Coaches white icon over green background


Be part of a supportive community of early-stage entrepreneurs and connect with global networks across various sectors. You'll also have opportunities to meet experienced founders who can share some wisdom from lessons they've learnt along the journey.

Who should apply?Applicant Criteria

Disability Tech: Your tech startup must clearly benefit people with disabilities, directly or indirectly, which could include disability, health, or aging innovations.
Startup Stage: Anywhere from idea, to prototype, to early revenue stage.
Looking For Support: We encourage individuals or teams who are entrepreneurs, researchers, people with lived experience, clinicians, carers and other subject matter experts, who are seeking support from experienced startup facilitators, mentors and founders.
Global Focus: We support startups from around the globe, however, the program suits those in time zones that allows the (co-)founder to commit to participating in the virtual events in Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

What to expect?Program Overview

How it works:
Our 8-week program is completely virtual.

What it includes:
Programming: Weekly masterclasses taught by experts and throughout the program opportunities to join Q&A sessions with industry experts.
Mentoring: Regular check-ins from 1:1 Remarkable mentor, who will help you with your goals and apply what you learn in the classes.
Networking: Access to our extensive community of global mentors, as well as virtual networking events for the cohort to share learnings, ideas, and insights.
Time Needed: One-on-one mentoring sessions scheduled with mentor and program is minimum 5 hours per week.

Key dates:
Applications open: Late 2024
Applications close: Early 2025
Program start: Early 2025
Program end: Early 2025

Ready to Apply for Launcher?

Apply now
Icon of three green lines that are used to show exclamanation.

What PeopleSay About

"The underlying community ethos of Remarkable is to be courageous, to be inclusive, to pay it forward, to be generous, to do business with heart and soul,  a beautiful combo hard to find!"

Ben Reid
Startup Coach
Black and white photo of a person in a checkered shirt sits before a textured wall, appearing contemplative.
A person in a hooded jumper smiles at the camera with a monitor displaying "focus bear" in the background.

"I learned a lot about customer interviewing, as someone with ASD I can find going out of my way to have conversations a little bit challenging but I was able to get support from my mentor in how to structure those conversations."

Jeremy Nagel
Founder of Focus Bear

"So amazing, a great balance of experts and people not too unlike us! It was really reassuring hearing from others who have been on this journey and have made it!"

Rebeca McCash
Future Tech Australia
A woman with pink hair speaking into a microphone. She is wearing a red jacket and a pin on her lapel, and she appears to be engaged in a conversation or public speaking event

Program Outline

Program commences

5 February 2024

6 February 2024

Masterclass 1

Intro to disability tech and problem validation

Masterclass 2

Lean Experiments and MVPs

13 February

20 February

Masterclass 3

B2B and B2C sales

Masterclass 4

Marketing & Storytelling

27 February

5 March

Masterclass 5

Impact measuring

Masterclass 6

Business model and pricing

12 March

19 March

Masterclass 7

Extending runway & raising capital

Masterclass 8

Planning for the future & support ecosystem

25 March

27 March

Customer Showcase

Frequently Asked Questions

Find our frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find an answer to your questions below, please use the question submission form or send us an email to

Application Process

Applications for our 2024 program will open on the 15th of November 2023.

To apply, you will have to submit the online application form.

If you would like to be notified when we open applications for the 2024 Launcher program, please register your interest.

The application questions for our 2024 program will likely be different, but in case you would like to know the type of questions we have asked in the past, you can download the 2022 application questions.

Remarkable #RL22 Application Template (PDF)

Remarkable #RL22 Application Template (Word Doc)

The Launcher 2024 selection results will be communicated by 23 January 2024.


Yes. We accept applications from both individuals and teams.

No, we encourage applications from both people with disability and people without disability.

Yes, we love the intersection between disability, ageing and health. We look for applicability to the disability sector and we often find that there is quite a bit of overlap with the aged care market.

Sure! If you’re an early-stage startup you’re more than welcome to apply to Launcher. We have had a number of early-stage startups take part in the first edition of Launcher (four of which have now gone through our Accelerator program as well).

Do I need a startup idea?


Yes, you need to at least have an idea to work on. However, we know that most startup ideas change over time, so don’t be concerned if you have doubts about its potential, or you have more than one idea.

Yes, you can apply with how many startups or ideas you’d like. You will need to submit a different application form for each and to make sure that you give them different names.

If you get selected with more than one startup or idea, we’ll let you know and ask you to choose which one you would like to take part in the Launcher with.

Yes. You do not need to have a team, a product, or previous startup experience to apply for the Launcher. You just need an idea, the drive to bring it to life and the availability to take part in the masterclasses and events.

No, you do not need to have a business set up to apply to Launcher.

Remarkable works with both for-profit (for purpose) businesses and not for profits. Up until now, 95% of startups we’ve worked with have been for-profit enterprises.

If you are a not for profit looking at how you might become a for-profit business, you can make that one of the areas you focus on during the Launcher.

Program Offering

Is this a virtual program?


Yes, we deliver the Launcher program virtually.

This is an accessible environment where everyone is welcome and included.

Our programs are a safe and innovative space for people across every visible and invisible disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, and age. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or if you require assistance accessing our program or application. You can reach us at

It’s recommended that you set aside at least 5 hours per week across the 8-week program. Some of this time will be direct contact during masterclasses and mentoring sessions, the remaining time is for you to work on your startup.

We ask that you keep the following times free.

Tuesday, 6 February - Masterclass 1

Tuesday, 13 February - Masterclass 2

Tuesday, 20 February - Masterclass 3

Tuesday, 27 February - Masterclass 4

Tuesday, 5 March - Masterclass 5

Tuesday, 12 March - Masterclass 6

Tuesday, 19 March - Masterclass 7

Tuesday, 25 March - Masterclass 8

Thursday, 27 March - Customer showcase

*Please note, sessions will run from 6:00 pm - 7:30pm AEDT. The times outlined above are subject to change.

We welcome participants from all around the world but everyone must attend the weekly masterclasses to be able to participate in the program, which will take no more than 2 hours each.

We will be holding a program event, from 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm AEDT on the 27 March 2024.

The one-on-one mentoring will be scheduled with you and your mentor at a time that suits you both.

The rest of the time you spend on your startup during the program is up to you to allocate as works best for you.

Sure! We encourage all Launcher participants to apply to the Accelerator, for our 2024 edition or in the future. In fact, we have already had four Launcher participants take place in the 2023 Accelerator program.

Three of the Launcher participants/teams will skip the first round of selection for the 2024 Accelerator.

No, thanks to the support from TPG Telecom Foundation and our parent organisation, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, taking part in the Remarkable Launcher program is free of cost.

Who owns the IP?


The IP regarding anything created during, before or after the Launcher will be solely owned by its creators.

Can you sign my NDA?


No, we can’t. We hear hundreds of ideas a year, some of them quite similar. We would be exposing ourselves to unnecessary risk if we signed an NDA and later accepted an application from someone with an idea or company similar to yours. We also believe that the success of startups is tied to a number of factors (e.g. team, network, product-market fit, execution) that outweigh the value of a good idea.

Remarkable will take no stake in the businesses taking part in the Launcher at this stage.

Will I get funding?


No, not as part of the Launcher program.

Supporting Partners