Focus Bear

Focus Bear Startup Logo: Stylized cartoon bear face with a friendly smile wearing a bow tie.


Focus Bear is a routine building and anti-distraction app for neurodiverse individuals.

The Problem

People with ADHD struggle with productivity and punctuality at work and self care at home. Also validating a problem in the physiotherapy space: neurodiverse physiotherapy clients struggle to adhere to home exercise programs. Physiotherapists find current solutions for building home exercise programs cumbersome.

The Solution

Suite of holistic productivity and self improvement desktop and mobile apps.

  • Team Size:
  • Location:
  • Founders:
    Jeremy Nagel
  • Program(s):
    Purple icon with rounded corners featuring the text "Accelerator 2023" in white.
    Pink square icon with rounded corners featuring the text "Launcher 2022" in white font centered on a black background.

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